How often does one dream of Johnny Depp? Like almost never in a life time - but a few nights ago, I had a dream about Johnny Depp!
We were all in an elevator… this was no ordinary elevator though. It was about 20 metres wide by 10 metres long, and had two doors to exit. The elevator was filled with women! Mainly professional looking women… about 50 or 60 of them, all within this small space and they were all talking to each other. For some reason I was also there, standing at the back. Then in the back right corner was a guy in a suit, wearing a hat and sunnies. I was only standing about 2 meters away from him and obviously knew he was Johnny Depp, but for some reason every other woman around me was oblivious to his presence. He looked like he was trying to be discreet anyway, cowering over with his hat.
Then on the second floor stop, ALL the women left the elevator and it was just left with me and Johnny. *interesting*
Somehow, we then end up getting off on the same floor and we end up getting off on the third floor of the building. The doors open and there is a reception. I went to the desk with Johnny… and then persuaded the receptionist to cancel his hotel suite because it cost $7k+!!!
Then I walked off with Johnny out the hotel… and some how he turned into a chick. Darn.